oasis10.umiacs.umd.edu 30 CG Tpetra maxwell30.xml output/CG_Tpetra_maxwell30.output output/CG_Tpetra_maxwell30_power.output dt = 4.44752e-10 Loading solver config from solverCG.xml Linear Solver Type = Belos [unused] Preconditioner Type = Teko [unused] Linear Solver Types -> Belos -> Solver Type = Block GMRES [unused] Solver Types -> Block GMRES -> Convergence Tolerance = 1e-08 [unused] Orthogonalization = ICGS [unused] Output Frequency = 1 [unused] Output Style = 1 [unused] Verbosity = 1 [unused] Maximum Iterations = 10 [unused] Block Size = 1 [unused] Num Blocks = 10 [unused] Flexible Gmres = 1 [unused] Timer Label = GMRES block system [unused] Implicit Residual Scaling = Norm of Initial Residual [unused] VerboseObject -> Verbosity Level = medium [unused] Preconditioner Types -> Teko -> Inverse Type = Maxwell [unused] Inverse Factory Library -> Maxwell -> Type = Full Maxwell Preconditioner [unused] Use as preconditioner = 0 [unused] Debug = 0 [unused] Dump = 0 [unused] Solve lower triangular = 1 [unused] dt = 4.44752e-10 [unused] Q_B Solve -> Type = Belos [unused] Solver Type = Pseudo Block CG [unused] Solver Types -> Pseudo Block CG -> Convergence Tolerance = 1e-09 [unused] Orthogonalization = ICGS [unused] Maximum Iterations = 2000 [unused] Timer Label = CG Q_B [unused] Output Frequency = 10 [unused] Output Style = 1 [unused] Verbosity = 1 [unused] Implicit Residual Scaling = None [unused] VerboseObject -> Verbosity Level = medium [unused] Q_B Preconditioner -> Prec Type = Ifpack2 [unused] Prec Types -> Ifpack2 -> Prec Type = relaxation [unused] Ifpack2 Settings -> relaxation: type = Jacobi [unused] relaxation: sweeps = 1 [unused] S_E Solve -> Type = Belos [unused] Solver Type = Pseudo Block CG [unused] Solver Types -> Pseudo Block CG -> Convergence Tolerance = 1e-09 [unused] Orthogonalization = ICGS [unused] Maximum Iterations = 2000 [unused] Timer Label = CG S_E [unused] Output Frequency = 10 [unused] Output Style = 1 [unused] Verbosity = 1 [unused] Implicit Residual Scaling = None [unused] VerboseObject -> Verbosity Level = medium [unused] S_E Preconditioner -> Prec Type = Ifpack2 [unused] Prec Types -> Ifpack2 -> Prec Type = relaxation [unused] Ifpack2 Settings -> relaxation: type = Jacobi [unused] relaxation: sweeps = 1 [unused] Darcy -> Type = Full Darcy Preconditioner [unused] Use as preconditioner = 0 [unused] Debug = 0 [unused] Dump = 0 [unused] Solve lower triangular = 1 [unused] dt = 4.44752e-10 [unused] Q_u Solve -> Type = Belos [unused] Solver Type = Pseudo Block CG [unused] Solver Types -> Pseudo Block CG -> Convergence Tolerance = 1e-09 [unused] Orthogonalization = ICGS [unused] Maximum Iterations = 2000 [unused] Timer Label = CG Q_u [unused] Output Frequency = 10 [unused] Output Style = 1 [unused] Verbosity = 1 [unused] Implicit Residual Scaling = None [unused] VerboseObject -> Verbosity Level = medium [unused] Q_u Preconditioner -> Prec Type = Ifpack2 [unused] Prec Types -> Ifpack2 -> Prec Type = relaxation [unused] Ifpack2 Settings -> relaxation: type = Jacobi [unused] relaxation: sweeps = 1 [unused] S_sigma Solve -> Type = Belos [unused] Solver Type = Pseudo Block CG [unused] Solver Types -> Pseudo Block CG -> Convergence Tolerance = 1e-09 [unused] Orthogonalization = ICGS [unused] Maximum Iterations = 2000 [unused] Timer Label = CG S_sigma [unused] Output Frequency = 10 [unused] Output Style = 1 [unused] Verbosity = 1 [unused] Implicit Residual Scaling = None [unused] VerboseObject -> Verbosity Level = medium [unused] S_sigma Preconditioner -> Prec Type = Ifpack2 [unused] Prec Types -> Ifpack2 -> Prec Type = relaxation [unused] Ifpack2 Settings -> relaxation: type = Jacobi [unused] relaxation: sweeps = 1 [unused] p=0 | CubeHexMesh: Building sub cells Entering Thyra::BelosLinearOpWithSolveFactory::initializeOpImpl(...) ... Entering Thyra::BelosLinearOpWithSolveFactory::initializeOpImpl(...) ... Leaving Thyra::BelosLinearOpWithSolveFactory::initializeOpImpl(...) ... Entering Thyra::BelosLinearOpWithSolveFactory::initializeOpImpl(...) ... Leaving Thyra::BelosLinearOpWithSolveFactory::initializeOpImpl(...) ... Leaving Thyra::BelosLinearOpWithSolveFactory::initializeOpImpl(...) ... ************************************************** * starting time step 1 Starting iterations with Belos: Using forward operator = Thyra::DefaultBlockedLinearOp{rangeDim=170190,domainDim=170190,numRowBlocks=2,numColBlocks=2} Constituent LinearOpBase objects for M = [ Op[0,0] ... ; ... ; ... Op[numRowBlocks-1,numColBlocks-1] ]: Op[0,0] = Thyra::TpetraLinearOp >{rangeDim=83700,domainDim=83700} Op[0,1] = Thyra::TpetraLinearOp >{rangeDim=83700,domainDim=86490} Op[1,0] = Thyra::TpetraLinearOp >{rangeDim=86490,domainDim=83700} Op[1,1] = Thyra::TpetraLinearOp >{rangeDim=86490,domainDim=86490} Using iterative solver = "Belos::BlockGmresSolMgr": Template parameters: ScalarType: double MV: Thyra::MultiVectorBase OP: Thyra::LinearOpBase Flexible: true Num Blocks: 10 Maximum Iterations: 10 Maximum Restarts: 20 Convergence Tolerance: 1e-08 With #Eqns=170190, #RHSs=1 ... Starting iterations with Belos: Using forward operator = Thyra::TpetraLinearOp >{rangeDim=83700,domainDim=83700} Using iterative solver = Belos::PseudoBlockCGSolMgr<...,double>{} With #Eqns=83700, #RHSs=1 ... The Belos solver "CG Q_B" of type "Belos::PseudoBlockCGSolMgr<...,double>{}" returned a solve status of "SOLVE_STATUS_CONVERGED" in 0 iterations with total CPU time of 0.00258844 sec Starting iterations with Belos: Using forward operator = Thyra::TpetraLinearOp >{rangeDim=86490,domainDim=86490} Using iterative solver = Belos::PseudoBlockCGSolMgr<...,double>{} With #Eqns=86490, #RHSs=1 ... The Belos solver "CG S_E" of type "Belos::PseudoBlockCGSolMgr<...,double>{}" returned a solve status of "SOLVE_STATUS_CONVERGED" in 309 iterations with total CPU time of 0.860286 sec Starting iterations with Belos: Using forward operator = Thyra::TpetraLinearOp >{rangeDim=83700,domainDim=83700} Using iterative solver = Belos::PseudoBlockCGSolMgr<...,double>{} With #Eqns=83700, #RHSs=1 ... The Belos solver "CG Q_B" of type "Belos::PseudoBlockCGSolMgr<...,double>{}" returned a solve status of "SOLVE_STATUS_CONVERGED" in 20 iterations with total CPU time of 0.0276675 sec The Belos solver "GMRES block system" of type ""Belos::BlockGmresSolMgr": {Flexible: true, Num Blocks: 10, Maximum Iterations: 10, Maximum Restarts: 20, Convergence Tolerance: 1e-08}" returned a solve status of "SOLVE_STATUS_CONVERGED" in 1 iterations with total CPU time of 0.916783 sec Electromagnetic Energy = 8.50218e-09 Electromagnetic Energy/dt^2 = 4.29828e+10 * finished time step 1, t = 4.44752e-10 ************************************************** *** Teuchos::StackedTimer::report() - Remainder for a level will be *** *** incorrect if a timer in the level does not exist on every rank *** *** of the MPI Communicator. *** Mini-EM: 8.59866 [1] | Mini-EM: Total Time: 8.59859 - 99.9993% [1] | | Mini-EM: build mesh: 0.00063124 - 0.0073412% [1] | | | panzer::CubeHexMeshFactory::buildUncomittedMesh(): 0.00029668 - 46.9996% [1] | | | Remainder: 0.00033456 - 53.0004% | | Mini-EM: build physics blocks: 0.0008984 - 0.0104482% [1] | | Mini-EM: build auxiliary physics blocks: 0.000237919 - 0.00276695% [1] | | panzer::CubeHexMeshFactory::completeMeshConstruction(): 1.39278 - 16.1978% [1] | | panzer::DOFManager::buildGlobalUnknowns: 0.535762 - 6.23081% [3] | | | panzer::DOFManager::buildTaggedMultiVector: 0.22412 - 41.832% [3] | | | | panzer::DOFManager::builderOverlapMapFromElements: 0.180526 - 80.5488% [3] | | | | panzer::DOFManager::buildTaggedMultiVector::allocate_tagged_multivector: 0.00595416 - 2.65668% [3] | | | | panzer::DOFManager::buildTaggedMultiVector::fill_tagged_multivector: 0.0375322 - 16.7465% [3] | | | | Remainder: 0.00010764 - 0.0480278% | | | panzer::DOFManager::buildGlobalUnknowns_GUN: 0.0313731 - 5.8558% [3] | | | | panzer::DOFManager::buildGlobalUnknowns_GUN::line_04 createOneToOne: 0.0199852 - 63.7017% [3] | | | | panzer::DOFManager::buildGlobalUnknowns_GUN::line_05 alloc_unique_mv: 0.00116972 - 3.72841% [3] | | | | panzer::DOFManager::buildGlobalUnknowns_GUN::line_06 export: 0.00265128 - 8.45079% [3] | | | | panzer::DOFManager::buildGlobalUnknowns_GUN::line_07-09 local_count: 0.00147716 - 4.70835% [3] | | | | panzer::DOFManager::buildGlobalUnknowns_GUN::line_10 prefix_sum: 0.00134876 - 4.29909% [3] | | | | panzer::DOFManager::buildGlobalUnknowns_GUN::line_13-21 gid_assignment: 0.00432584 - 13.7883% [3] | | | | panzer::DOFManager::buildGlobalUnknowns_GUN::line_23 final_import: 0.00027552 - 0.878203% [3] | | | | Remainder: 0.00013964 - 0.445094% | | | panzer::DOFManager::buildGlobalUnknowns::build_owned_vector: 0.0556184 - 10.3812% [3] | | | panzer::DOFManager::buildGlobalUnknowns::build_ghosted_array: 0.0218853 - 4.08489% [3] | | | panzer::DOFManager::buildGlobalUnknowns::build_orientation: 0.0644963 - 12.0382% [3] | | | panzer::DOFManager::buildGlobalUnknowns::build_local_ids: 0.0275978 - 5.15113% [3] | | | Remainder: 0.110671 - 20.6568% | | panzer::WorksetContainer::applyOrientations(ugi): 0.0308215 - 0.358448% [2] | | Mini-EM: setup physics model evaluator: 0.946478 - 11.0074% [1] | | | panzer::ModelEvaluator::setupModel(): 0.946449 - 99.997% [1] | | | | allocate FieldManagerBuilder: 3.12e-06 - 0.000329653% [1] | | | | fmb->setWorksetContainer(): 4.4e-07 - 4.64896e-05% [1] | | | | fmb->setupVolumeFieldManagers(): 0.94096 - 99.4201% [1] | | | | | panzer::FieldManagerBuilder::setupVolumeFieldManagers: 0.940943 - 99.9982% [1] | | | | | | getWorksets(): 0.914555 - 97.1955% [1] | | | | | | | panzer::WorksetContainer::getWorksets(): 0.914551 - 99.9996% [1] | | | | | | | | panzer_stk::WorksetFactory::getWorksets: 0.525328 - 57.441% [1] | | | | | | | | | panzer::integrationValues2::setupArrays(): 0.00530823 - 1.01046% [14] | | | | | | | | | panzer::integrationValues2::evaluateValues(with virtual cells): 0.0841167 - 16.0122% [14] | | | | | | | | | | panzer::integrationValues2::setup(): 0.00170028 - 2.02133% [14] | | | | | | | | | | panzer::integrationValues2::evaluateEverything(): 0.0823811 - 97.9367% [14] | | | | | | | | | | | panzer::integrationValues2::getUniformCubaturePointsRef(): 0.00091224 - 1.10734% [14] | | | | | | | | | | | panzer::integrationValues2::getUniformCubatureWeightRef(): 0.00046476 - 0.564159% [14] | | | | | | | | | | | panzer::integrationValues2::getCubaturePointsRef(): 0.00157768 - 1.9151% [14] | | | | | | | | | | | panzer::integrationValues2::getCubaturePoints(): 0.007805 - 9.47425% [14] | | | | | | | | | | | panzer::integrationValues2::getJacobian(): 0.0173409 - 21.0497% [14] | | | | | | | | | | | panzer::integrationValues2::getJacobianDeterminant(): 0.00445124 - 5.40323% [14] | | | | | | | | | | | panzer::integrationValues2::getJacobianInverse(): 0.0125385 - 15.2201% [14] | | | | | | | | | | | panzer::integrationValues2::getWeightedMeasure(): 0.00044784 - 0.54362% [14] | | | | | | | | | | | panzer::integrationValues2::getContravarientMatrix(): 0.0224016 - 27.1926% [14] | | | | | | | | | | | | panzer::integrationValues2::getCovariantMatrix(): 0.00974011 - 43.4796% [14] | | | | | | | | | | | | Remainder: 0.0126615 - 56.5204% | | | | | | | | | | | panzer::integrationValues2::getCovariantMatrix(): 0.011143 - 13.5261% [14] | | | | | | | | | | | panzer::integrationValues2::getNormContravarientMatrix(): 0.00309028 - 3.7512% [14] | | | | | | | | | | | Remainder: 0.00020808 - 0.252582% | | | | | | | | | | Remainder: 3.528e-05 - 0.0419418% | | | | | | | | | panzer::basisValues2::evaluateValues(8 arg, uniform cub pts): 0.378353 - 72.0223% [28] | | | | | | | | | | panzer::basisValues2::evaluateValues(5 arg): 0.221397 - 58.516% [28] | | | | | | | | | | | panzer::basisValues2::getVectorBasisValuesRef(): 0.0003222 - 0.14553% [28] | | | | | | | | | | | panzer::basisValues2::getCurlVectorBasisRef(): 0.00011548 - 0.0521597% [14] | | | | | | | | | | | panzer::basisValues2::getVectorBasisValues(): 0.118416 - 53.4856% [28] | | | | | | | | | | | panzer::basisValues2::getCurlVectorBasis(): 0.0842666 - 38.0613% [14] | | | | | | | | | | | panzer::basisValues2::getDivVectorBasisRef(): 9.644e-05 - 0.0435597% [14] | | | | | | | | | | | panzer::basisValues2::getDevVectorBasis(): 0.0174383 - 7.87647% [14] | | | | | | | | | | | Remainder: 0.000742559 - 0.335397% | | | | | | | | | | panzer::basisValues2::getVectorBasisValues(): 0.0729165 - 19.2721% [28] | | | | | | | | | | panzer::basisValues2::getCurlVectorBasis(): 0.0520887 - 13.7672% [14] | | | | | | | | | | panzer::basisValues2::getBasisCoordinatesRef(): 0.00047596 - 0.125798% [28] | | | | | | | | | | panzer::basisValues2::getBasisCoordinates(): 0.0177993 - 4.70442% [28] | | | | | | | | | | panzer::basisValues2::getDevVectorBasis(): 0.0133122 - 3.51846% [14] | | | | | | | | | | Remainder: 0.00036348 - 0.096069% | | | | | | | | | Remainder: 0.0575494 - 10.955% | | | | | | | | panzer::WorksetContainer::applyOrientations(eBlock,worksets): 0.38919 - 42.5553% [1] | | | | | | | | | panzer::basisValues2::applyOrientations(): 0.388872 - 99.9185% [28] | | | | | | | | | Remainder: 0.00031716 - 0.0814924% | | | | | | | | Remainder: 3.392e-05 - 0.00370892% | | | | | | | Remainder: 3.48e-06 - 0.000380513% | | | | | | getOrientations(): 3.436e-05 - 0.00365166% [1] | | | | | | pb->buildAndRegisterEquationSetEvaluators(): 0.000743 - 0.0789633% [1] | | | | | | pb->buildAndRegisterGatherAndOrientationEvaluators(): 0.000723159 - 0.0768547% [1] | | | | | | pb->buildAndRegisterDOFProjectionsToIPEvaluators(): 0.0003854 - 0.0409589% [1] | | | | | | pb->buildAndRegisterScatterEvaluators(): 0.00017564 - 0.0186664% [1] | | | | | | pb->buildAndRegisterClosureModelEvaluators(): closureModelByEBlock==false: 0.000862599 - 0.0916739% [1] | | | | | | Phalanx::SortAndOrderEvaluators: 8e-07 - 8.50211e-05% [2] | | | | | | Remainder: 0.0234637 - 2.49364% | | | | | Remainder: 1.684e-05 - 0.00178966% | | | | fmb->setupBCFieldManagers(): 8.16e-06 - 0.00086217% [1] | | | | AssemblyEngine_TemplateBuilder::buildObjects(): 1.72e-05 - 0.00181732% [1] | | | | build response library: 0.00543832 - 0.574602% [1] | | | | | panzer::FieldManagerBuilder::setupVolumeFieldManagers: 0.005233 - 96.2246% [1] | | | | | | getWorksets(): 2.84e-06 - 0.054271% [1] | | | | | | | panzer::WorksetContainer::getWorksets(): 1.92e-06 - 67.6056% [1] | | | | | | | Remainder: 9.2e-07 - 32.3944% | | | | | | getOrientations(): 4.8e-07 - 0.00917256% [1] | | | | | | pb->buildAndRegisterEquationSetEvaluators(): 0.00077088 - 14.7311% [1] | | | | | | pb->buildAndRegisterGatherAndOrientationEvaluators(): 0.000895439 - 17.1114% [1] | | | | | | pb->buildAndRegisterDOFProjectionsToIPEvaluators(): 0.00041996 - 8.02523% [1] | | | | | | pb->buildAndRegisterClosureModelEvaluators(): closureModelByEBlock==false: 0.00116452 - 22.2534% [1] | | | | | | Phalanx::SortAndOrderEvaluators: 1.16e-06 - 0.022167% [3] | | | | | | Remainder: 0.00197772 - 37.7932% | | | | | Remainder: 0.000205319 - 3.77542% | | | | Remainder: 2.168e-05 - 0.00229067% | | | Remainder: 2.88e-05 - 0.00304286% | | Mini-EM: setup auxiliary physics model evaluator: 1.03851 - 12.0777% [1] | | | panzer::ModelEvaluator::setupModel(): 1.0385 - 99.9989% [1] | | | | allocate FieldManagerBuilder: 7.2e-07 - 6.93306e-05% [1] | | | | fmb->setWorksetContainer(): 5.6e-07 - 5.39238e-05% [1] | | | | fmb->setupVolumeFieldManagers(): 1.03844 - 99.9942% [1] | | | | | panzer::FieldManagerBuilder::setupVolumeFieldManagers: 1.03844 - 99.9994% [1] | | | | | | getWorksets(): 0.70399 - 67.7932% [1] | | | | | | | panzer::WorksetContainer::getWorksets(): 0.703989 - 99.9998% [1] | | | | | | | | panzer_stk::WorksetFactory::getWorksets: 0.418918 - 59.5063% [1] | | | | | | | | | panzer::integrationValues2::setupArrays(): 0.00554052 - 1.32258% [14] | | | | | | | | | panzer::integrationValues2::evaluateValues(with virtual cells): 0.0803271 - 19.1749% [14] | | | | | | | | | | panzer::integrationValues2::setup(): 0.00166836 - 2.07696% [14] | | | | | | | | | | panzer::integrationValues2::evaluateEverything(): 0.0786291 - 97.886% [14] | | | | | | | | | | | panzer::integrationValues2::getUniformCubaturePointsRef(): 0.00072064 - 0.916506% [14] | | | | | | | | | | | panzer::integrationValues2::getUniformCubatureWeightRef(): 0.0004432 - 0.563659% [14] | | | | | | | | | | | panzer::integrationValues2::getCubaturePointsRef(): 0.00156812 - 1.99432% [14] | | | | | | | | | | | panzer::integrationValues2::getCubaturePoints(): 0.00770179 - 9.7951% [14] | | | | | | | | | | | panzer::integrationValues2::getJacobian(): 0.016919 - 21.5175% [14] | | | | | | | | | | | panzer::integrationValues2::getJacobianDeterminant(): 0.00434196 - 5.52208% [14] | | | | | | | | | | | panzer::integrationValues2::getJacobianInverse(): 0.0119448 - 15.1914% [14] | | | | | | | | | | | panzer::integrationValues2::getWeightedMeasure(): 0.0004138 - 0.526268% [14] | | | | | | | | | | | panzer::integrationValues2::getContravarientMatrix(): 0.0216554 - 27.5412% [14] | | | | | | | | | | | | panzer::integrationValues2::getCovariantMatrix(): 0.00972299 - 44.8987% [14] | | | | | | | | | | | | Remainder: 0.0119324 - 55.1013% | | | | | | | | | | | panzer::integrationValues2::getCovariantMatrix(): 0.00969139 - 12.3255% [14] | | | | | | | | | | | panzer::integrationValues2::getNormContravarientMatrix(): 0.00308084 - 3.91819% [14] | | | | | | | | | | | Remainder: 0.00014804 - 0.188276% | | | | | | | | | | Remainder: 2.972e-05 - 0.0369987% | | | | | | | | | panzer::basisValues2::evaluateValues(8 arg, uniform cub pts): 0.283577 - 67.6927% [14] | | | | | | | | | | panzer::basisValues2::evaluateValues(5 arg): 0.166652 - 58.7679% [14] | | | | | | | | | | | panzer::basisValues2::getVectorBasisValuesRef(): 0.0001718 - 0.103089% [14] | | | | | | | | | | | panzer::basisValues2::getCurlVectorBasisRef(): 9.94e-05 - 0.0596453% [14] | | | | | | | | | | | panzer::basisValues2::getVectorBasisValues(): 0.0810717 - 48.6473% [14] | | | | | | | | | | | panzer::basisValues2::getCurlVectorBasis(): 0.0849222 - 50.9578% [14] | | | | | | | | | | | Remainder: 0.000386919 - 0.232172% | | | | | | | | | | panzer::basisValues2::getVectorBasisValues(): 0.053165 - 18.748% [14] | | | | | | | | | | panzer::basisValues2::getCurlVectorBasis(): 0.0515428 - 18.176% [14] | | | | | | | | | | panzer::basisValues2::getBasisCoordinatesRef(): 0.000255199 - 0.089993% [14] | | | | | | | | | | panzer::basisValues2::getBasisCoordinates(): 0.0117377 - 4.13917% [14] | | | | | | | | | | Remainder: 0.00022396 - 0.0789769% | | | | | | | | | Remainder: 0.0494734 - 11.8098% | | | | | | | | panzer::WorksetContainer::applyOrientations(eBlock,worksets): 0.285056 - 40.4916% [1] | | | | | | | | | panzer::basisValues2::applyOrientations(): 0.284888 - 99.9409% [14] | | | | | | | | | Remainder: 0.00016848 - 0.0591041% | | | | | | | | Remainder: 1.468e-05 - 0.00208526% | | | | | | | Remainder: 1.24e-06 - 0.000176139% | | | | | | getOrientations(): 1.06e-05 - 0.00102077% [1] | | | | | | pb->buildAndRegisterEquationSetEvaluators(): 0.00043864 - 0.0422404% [1] | | | | | | pb->buildAndRegisterGatherAndOrientationEvaluators(): 0.00034884 - 0.0335928% [1] | | | | | | pb->buildAndRegisterDOFProjectionsToIPEvaluators(): 0.00020496 - 0.0197374% [1] | | | | | | pb->buildAndRegisterScatterEvaluators(): 0.325937 - 31.3873% [1] | | | | | | | mini_em::AuxEqSet_SchurComplement::buildAndRegisterScatterEvaluators(): 0.325912 - 99.9923% [1] | | | | | | | Remainder: 2.504e-05 - 0.00768247% | | | | | | pb->buildAndRegisterClosureModelEvaluators(): closureModelByEBlock==false: 0.00055032 - 0.052995% [1] | | | | | | Phalanx::SortAndOrderEvaluators: 5.2e-07 - 5.00753e-05% [2] | | | | | | Remainder: 0.00695623 - 0.669876% | | | | | Remainder: 5.84e-06 - 0.000562381% | | | | fmb->setupBCFieldManagers(): 7.48e-06 - 0.000720268% [1] | | | | AssemblyEngine_TemplateBuilder::buildObjects(): 1.728e-05 - 0.00166393% [1] | | | | build response library: 2.396e-05 - 0.00230717% [1] | | | | | panzer::FieldManagerBuilder::setupVolumeFieldManagers: 2.4e-07 - 1.00167% [1] | | | | | Remainder: 2.372e-05 - 98.9983% | | | | Remainder: 9.84e-06 - 0.000947518% | | | Remainder: 1.116e-05 - 0.00107461% | | Mini-EM: eval auxiliary physics model evaluator: 1.13309 - 13.1776% [1] | | | panzer::ModelEvaluator::create_W_op: 0.311035 - 27.4503% [1] | | | panzer::ModelEvaluator::evalModel(J): 0.818932 - 72.2745% [1] | | | | panzer::AssemblyEngine::evaluate_gather(panzer::Traits::Jacobian): 0.00127884 - 0.156159% [1] | | | | panzer::AssemblyEngine::evaluate_volume(panzer::Traits::Jacobian): 0.571865 - 69.8305% [1] | | | | | panzer::WorksetContainer::getWorksets(): 1.236e-05 - 0.00216135% [1] | | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 254: [panzer::Traits::Jacobian] Constant: 1/mu: 2.408e-05 - 0.00421078% [14] | | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 256: [panzer::Traits::Jacobian] Constant: dt: 9.32e-06 - 0.00162976% [14] | | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 225: [panzer::Traits::Jacobian] GatherSolution (BlockedTpetra): AUXILIARY_EDGE (panzer::Traits::Jacobian) : 0.00514496 - 0.89968% [14] | | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 234: [panzer::Traits::Jacobian] DOFCurl: Curl_AUXILIARY_EDGE (Jacobian): 0.0328614 - 5.74635% [14] | | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 218: [panzer::Traits::Jacobian] Integrator_CurlBasisDotVector (EVALUATES): AUX_SCHURCOMPLEMENT_RESIDUAL_CURLCURL_AUXILIARY_EDGE: 0.0854614 - 14.9443% [14] | | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 226: [panzer::Traits::Jacobian] GatherBasisCoordinates: Basis_HCurl:1 BasisCoordinates: 0.0133605 - 2.3363% [14] | | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 253: [panzer::Traits::Jacobian] TensorConductivity: 0.0510952 - 8.93484% [14] | | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 233: [panzer::Traits::Jacobian] DOF: AUXILIARY_EDGE accel_jac (panzer::Traits::Jacobian): 0.067738 - 11.8451% [14] | | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 217: [panzer::Traits::Jacobian] Integrator_BasisTimesTensorTimesVector (Eval, panzer::Traits::Jacobian): AUX_SCHURCOMPLEMENT_RESIDUAL_CONDUCTIVITY_AUXILIARY_EDGE: 0.0950103 - 16.6141% [14] | | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 249: [panzer::Traits::Jacobian] Constant: epsilon: 1.952e-05 - 0.00341339% [14] | | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 258: [panzer::Traits::Jacobian] Constant: 1/dt: 8.72e-06 - 0.00152484% [14] | | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 216: [panzer::Traits::Jacobian] Integrator_BasisTimesVector<2>(Eval, panzer::Traits::Jacobian): AUX_SCHURCOMPLEMENT_RESIDUAL_TIME_OP_AUXILIARY_EDGE: 0.152342 - 26.6395% [14] | | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 219: [panzer::Traits::Jacobian] SumStatic Rank 2 Evaluator: 0.0129216 - 2.25956% [14] | | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 236: [panzer::Traits::Jacobian] ScatterReordered_ Reorder AD Values: 0.0090986 - 1.59104% [14] | | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 237: [panzer::Traits::Jacobian] AUX_AUXILIARY_EDGE_SchurComplement Scatter Residual (Jacobian): 0.0465126 - 8.13349% [14] | | | | | Remainder: 0.00024424 - 0.0427094% | | | | panzer::AssemblyEngine::evaluate_neumannbcs(panzer::Traits::Jacobian): 1.716e-05 - 0.00209541% [1] | | | | panzer::AssemblyEngine::evaluate_interfacebcs(panzer::Traits::Jacobian): 2.16e-06 - 0.000263758% [1] | | | | panzer::AssemblyEngine::evaluate_dirichletbcs(panzer::Traits::Jacobian): 0.0010794 - 0.131806% [1] | | | | panzer::AssemblyEngine::evaluate_scatter(panzer::Traits::Jacobian): 0.24365 - 29.7522% [1] | | | | | panzer::AssemblyEngine::lof->ghostToGlobalContainer(panzer::Traits::Jacobian): 0.121754 - 49.9707% [1] | | | | | panzer::AssemblyEngine::gedc.ghostToGlobal(panzer::Traits::Jacobian): 0.121872 - 50.0191% [1] | | | | | Remainder: 2.476e-05 - 0.0101621% | | | | Remainder: 0.00103988 - 0.12698% | | | Remainder: 0.00311804 - 0.275181% | | panzer::FieldManagerBuilder::setupVolumeFieldManagers: 0.00460204 - 0.0535208% [1] | | | getWorksets(): 5.36e-06 - 0.11647% [1] | | | | panzer::WorksetContainer::getWorksets(): 3.52e-06 - 65.6716% [1] | | | | Remainder: 1.84e-06 - 34.3284% | | | getOrientations(): 7.6e-07 - 0.0165144% [1] | | | pb->buildAndRegisterEquationSetEvaluators(): 0.00079836 - 17.348% [1] | | | pb->buildAndRegisterGatherAndOrientationEvaluators(): 0.000975039 - 21.1871% [1] | | | pb->buildAndRegisterDOFProjectionsToIPEvaluators(): 0.0004198 - 9.12205% [1] | | | pb->buildAndRegisterClosureModelEvaluators(): closureModelByEBlock==false: 0.00123672 - 26.8733% [1] | | | Phalanx::SortAndOrderEvaluators: 1.08e-06 - 0.0234679% [3] | | | Remainder: 0.00116492 - 25.3131% | | panzer::ModelEvaluator::create_W_op: 0.880458 - 10.2396% [1] | | panzer::ModelEvaluator::evalModel(J): 1.48699 - 17.2935% [1] | | | panzer::AssemblyEngine::evaluate_gather(panzer::Traits::Jacobian): 0.00092788 - 0.0623997% [1] | | | panzer::AssemblyEngine::evaluate_volume(panzer::Traits::Jacobian): 1.16887 - 78.6062% [1] | | | | panzer::WorksetContainer::getWorksets(): 2.88e-06 - 0.000246392% [1] | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 25: [panzer::Traits::Jacobian] GatherSolution (BlockedTpetra): E_edge (panzer::Traits::Jacobian) : 0.013965 - 1.19474% [14] | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 41: [panzer::Traits::Jacobian] DOFCurl: CURL_E_edge (Jacobian): 0.039337 - 3.36539% [14] | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 14: [panzer::Traits::Jacobian] Integrator_BasisTimesVector<0>(Eval, panzer::Traits::Jacobian): RESIDUAL_B_face_CURLE_OP: 0.044291 - 3.78922% [14] | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 31: [panzer::Traits::Jacobian] GatherSolution (BlockedTpetra): DXDT_B_face (panzer::Traits::Jacobian) : 0.00442048 - 0.378184% [14] | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 42: [panzer::Traits::Jacobian] DOF: DXDT_B_face accel_jac (panzer::Traits::Jacobian): 0.0499124 - 4.27015% [14] | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 13: [panzer::Traits::Jacobian] Integrator_BasisTimesVector<0>(Eval, panzer::Traits::Jacobian): RESIDUAL_B_face_TIME_OP: 0.0421393 - 3.60513% [14] | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 15: [panzer::Traits::Jacobian] SumStatic Rank 2 Evaluator: 0.00751831 - 0.643212% [14] | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 46: [panzer::Traits::Jacobian] SCATTER_B_face Scatter Residual (Jacobian): 0.0418052 - 3.57655% [14] | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 78: [panzer::Traits::Jacobian] Constant: 1/mu: 2.072e-05 - 0.00177265% [14] | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 66: [panzer::Traits::Jacobian] Random Forcing: 0.0153204 - 1.3107% [14] | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 11: [panzer::Traits::Jacobian] Integrator_BasisTimesVector<0>(Eval, panzer::Traits::Jacobian): RESIDUAL_E_edge_CURRENT_SOURCE: 0.0907765 - 7.76618% [14] | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 27: [panzer::Traits::Jacobian] GatherBasisCoordinates: Basis_HCurl:1 BasisCoordinates: 0.0147569 - 1.2625% [14] | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 70: [panzer::Traits::Jacobian] TensorConductivity: 0.0870735 - 7.44938% [14] | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 40: [panzer::Traits::Jacobian] DOF: E_edge accel_jac (panzer::Traits::Jacobian): 0.0931422 - 7.96857% [14] | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 9: [panzer::Traits::Jacobian] Integrator_BasisTimesTensorTimesVector (Eval, panzer::Traits::Jacobian): RESIDUAL_E_edge_CONDUCTIVITY: 0.126899 - 10.8565% [14] | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 67: [panzer::Traits::Jacobian] Constant: epsilon: 3.016e-05 - 0.00258027% [14] | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 30: [panzer::Traits::Jacobian] GatherSolution (BlockedTpetra): DXDT_E_edge (panzer::Traits::Jacobian) : 0.0137258 - 1.17428% [14] | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 43: [panzer::Traits::Jacobian] DOF: DXDT_E_edge accel_jac (panzer::Traits::Jacobian): 0.0879543 - 7.52473% [14] | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 8: [panzer::Traits::Jacobian] Integrator_BasisTimesVector<1>(Eval, panzer::Traits::Jacobian): RESIDUAL_E_edge_TIME_OP: 0.13991 - 11.9697% [14] | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 12: [panzer::Traits::Jacobian] SumStatic Rank 2 Evaluator: 0.0200796 - 1.71786% [14] | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 26: [panzer::Traits::Jacobian] GatherSolution (BlockedTpetra): B_face (panzer::Traits::Jacobian) : 0.00412636 - 0.353021% [14] | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 39: [panzer::Traits::Jacobian] DOF: B_face accel_jac (panzer::Traits::Jacobian): 0.0481783 - 4.12178% [14] | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 10: [panzer::Traits::Jacobian] Integrator_CurlBasisDotVector (CONTRIBUTES): RESIDUAL_E_edge: 0.10333 - 8.84018% [14] | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 47: [panzer::Traits::Jacobian] SCATTER_E_edge Scatter Residual (Jacobian): 0.0795067 - 6.80201% [14] | | | | Remainder: 0.00064728 - 0.0553766% | | | panzer::AssemblyEngine::evaluate_neumannbcs(panzer::Traits::Jacobian): 2.648e-05 - 0.00178077% [1] | | | panzer::AssemblyEngine::evaluate_interfacebcs(panzer::Traits::Jacobian): 1.24e-06 - 8.33897e-05% [1] | | | panzer::AssemblyEngine::evaluate_dirichletbcs(panzer::Traits::Jacobian): 0.0034112 - 0.229402% [1] | | | panzer::AssemblyEngine::evaluate_scatter(panzer::Traits::Jacobian): 0.311347 - 20.938% [1] | | | | panzer::AssemblyEngine::lof->ghostToGlobalContainer(panzer::Traits::Jacobian): 0.311316 - 99.99% [1] | | | | panzer::AssemblyEngine::gedc.ghostToGlobal(panzer::Traits::Jacobian): 1.952e-05 - 0.00626953% [1] | | | | Remainder: 1.152e-05 - 0.00370005% | | | Remainder: 0.00241104 - 0.162142% | | MaxwellPreconditioner::build: 0.00598156 - 0.0695643% [1] | | | MaxwellPreconditioner: Schur complement: 1.556e-05 - 0.260133% [1] | | | MaxwellPreconditioner: Inverse Q_B: 0.0027402 - 45.8108% [1] | | | | Ifpack2::Relaxation::initialize: 3.56e-06 - 0.129918% [1] | | | | Ifpack2::Relaxation::compute: 0.00193844 - 70.7408% [1] | | | | Remainder: 0.000798199 - 29.1292% | | | MaxwellPreconditioner: Solver S_E: 0.0030936 - 51.7189% [1] | | | | Ifpack2::Relaxation::initialize: 1.32e-06 - 0.0426688% [1] | | | | Ifpack2::Relaxation::compute: 0.0026498 - 85.6543% [1] | | | | Remainder: 0.000442479 - 14.3031% | | | MaxwellPreconditioner: Block preconditioner: 0.00012296 - 2.05565% [1] | | | Remainder: 9.24e-06 - 0.154475% | | Mini-EM: timestepper: 1.07632 - 12.5174% [1] | | | Mini-EM: Advance Time Step: 1.07632 - 99.9998% [1] | | | | panzer::ModelEvaluator::evalModel(f): 0.130542 - 12.1286% [1] | | | | | panzer::AssemblyEngine::evaluate_gather(panzer::Traits::Residual): 0.00066168 - 0.50687% [1] | | | | | panzer::AssemblyEngine::evaluate_volume(panzer::Traits::Residual): 0.125078 - 95.8138% [1] | | | | | | panzer::WorksetContainer::getWorksets(): 1.8e-06 - 0.00143911% [1] | | | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 16: [panzer::Traits::Residual] GatherSolution (BlockedTpetra): E_edge (Residual): 0.00080856 - 0.646447% [14] | | | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 36: [panzer::Traits::Residual] DOFCurl: CURL_E_edge (): 0.0104517 - 8.35615% [14] | | | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 6: [panzer::Traits::Residual] Integrator_BasisTimesVector<0>(Eval, panzer::Traits::Residual): RESIDUAL_B_face_CURLE_OP: 0.00621128 - 4.96594% [14] | | | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 22: [panzer::Traits::Residual] GatherSolution (BlockedTpetra): DXDT_B_face (Residual): 0.00051076 - 0.408355% [14] | | | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 37: [panzer::Traits::Residual] DOF: DXDT_B_face (panzer::Traits::Residual): 0.00581251 - 4.64713% [14] | | | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 5: [panzer::Traits::Residual] Integrator_BasisTimesVector<0>(Eval, panzer::Traits::Residual): RESIDUAL_B_face_TIME_OP: 0.00540795 - 4.32368% [14] | | | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 7: [panzer::Traits::Residual] SumStatic Rank 2 Evaluator: 0.00049264 - 0.393868% [14] | | | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 44: [panzer::Traits::Residual] SCATTER_B_face Scatter Residual: 0.001326 - 1.06014% [14] | | | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 60: [panzer::Traits::Residual] Constant: 1/mu: 9.72e-06 - 0.00777118% [14] | | | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 48: [panzer::Traits::Residual] Random Forcing: 0.00106704 - 0.853101% [14] | | | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 3: [panzer::Traits::Residual] Integrator_BasisTimesVector<0>(Eval, panzer::Traits::Residual): RESIDUAL_E_edge_CURRENT_SOURCE: 0.0126374 - 10.1036% [14] | | | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 18: [panzer::Traits::Residual] GatherBasisCoordinates: Basis_HCurl:1 BasisCoordinates: 0.00461876 - 3.69271% [14] | | | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 52: [panzer::Traits::Residual] TensorConductivity: 0.00166032 - 1.32743% [14] | | | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 35: [panzer::Traits::Residual] DOF: E_edge (panzer::Traits::Residual): 0.011112 - 8.88408% [14] | | | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 1: [panzer::Traits::Residual] Integrator_BasisTimesTensorTimesVector (Eval, panzer::Traits::Residual): RESIDUAL_E_edge_CONDUCTIVITY: 0.0220458 - 17.6257% [14] | | | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 49: [panzer::Traits::Residual] Constant: epsilon: 1.544e-05 - 0.0123443% [14] | | | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 21: [panzer::Traits::Residual] GatherSolution (BlockedTpetra): DXDT_E_edge (Residual): 0.00089204 - 0.71319% [14] | | | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 38: [panzer::Traits::Residual] DOF: DXDT_E_edge (panzer::Traits::Residual): 0.00962103 - 7.69205% [14] | | | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 0: [panzer::Traits::Residual] Integrator_BasisTimesVector<1>(Eval, panzer::Traits::Residual): RESIDUAL_E_edge_TIME_OP: 0.0116491 - 9.31348% [14] | | | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 4: [panzer::Traits::Residual] SumStatic Rank 2 Evaluator: 0.00092452 - 0.739157% [14] | | | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 17: [panzer::Traits::Residual] GatherSolution (BlockedTpetra): B_face (Residual): 0.00056372 - 0.450696% [14] | | | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 34: [panzer::Traits::Residual] DOF: B_face (panzer::Traits::Residual): 0.00566232 - 4.52704% [14] | | | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 2: [panzer::Traits::Residual] Integrator_CurlBasisDotVector (CONTRIBUTES): RESIDUAL_E_edge: 0.00870335 - 6.95837% [14] | | | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 45: [panzer::Traits::Residual] SCATTER_E_edge Scatter Residual: 0.00254272 - 2.03291% [14] | | | | | | Remainder: 0.0003292 - 0.263197% | | | | | panzer::AssemblyEngine::evaluate_neumannbcs(panzer::Traits::Residual): 2.092e-05 - 0.0160255% [1] | | | | | panzer::AssemblyEngine::evaluate_interfacebcs(panzer::Traits::Residual): 2.2e-06 - 0.00168528% [1] | | | | | panzer::AssemblyEngine::evaluate_dirichletbcs(panzer::Traits::Residual): 0.00449844 - 3.44596% [1] | | | | | panzer::AssemblyEngine::evaluate_scatter(panzer::Traits::Residual): 0.000184519 - 0.141348% [1] | | | | | | panzer::AssemblyEngine::lof->ghostToGlobalContainer(panzer::Traits::Residual): 0.00015728 - 85.2378% [1] | | | | | | panzer::AssemblyEngine::gedc.ghostToGlobal(panzer::Traits::Residual): 1.72e-06 - 0.932153% [1] | | | | | | Remainder: 2.5519e-05 - 13.83% | | | | | Remainder: 9.704e-05 - 0.074336% | | | | Stratimikos: BelosLOWS: 0.916839 - 85.1831% [1] | | | | | GMRES block system: Operation Op*x: 0.00811447 - 0.885049% [1] | | | | | Belos::MVT::MvAddMv: 0.000248039 - 0.0270537% [1] | | | | | GMRES block system: BlockGmresSolMgr total solve time: 0.907746 - 99.0082% [1] | | | | | | GMRES block system: ICGS[2]: Orthogonalization: 0.00116724 - 0.128587% [2] | | | | | | | GMRES block system: ICGS[2]: Ortho (Norm): 0.00029008 - 24.8518% [2] | | | | | | | | Belos::MVT::MvDot: 0.00028364 - 97.7799% [2] | | | | | | | | Remainder: 6.44e-06 - 2.22008% | | | | | | | Belos::MVT::MvScale: 0.00016316 - 13.9783% [2] | | | | | | | GMRES block system: ICGS[2]: Ortho (Inner Product): 0.0004386 - 37.5758% [2] | | | | | | | | Belos::MVT::MvTransMv: 0.00042468 - 96.8263% [2] | | | | | | | | Remainder: 1.392e-05 - 3.17373% | | | | | | | GMRES block system: ICGS[2]: Ortho (Update): 0.00020316 - 17.4052% [2] | | | | | | | | Belos::MVT::MvTimesMatAddMv: 0.0002006 - 98.7399% [2] | | | | | | | | Remainder: 2.56e-06 - 1.26009% | | | | | | | Remainder: 7.224e-05 - 6.18896% | | | | | | Belos::MVT::MvAddMv: 0.000723558 - 0.0797093% [2] | | | | | | Belos::MVT::MvNorm: 0.00016456 - 0.0181284% [1] | | | | | | GMRES block system: Operation Prec*x: 0.896476 - 98.7585% [1] | | | | | | | CG Q_B: Operation Op*x: 0.002171 - 0.24217% [2] | | | | | | | Belos::MVT::MvAddMv: 0.00015796 - 0.0176201% [3] | | | | | | | CG Q_B: PseudoBlockCGSolMgr total solve time: 0.0276293 - 3.08199% [2] | | | | | | | | Belos::MVT::Assign: 0.00054884 - 1.98644% [4] | | | | | | | | CG Q_B: Operation Prec*x: 0.00216104 - 7.82154% [22] | | | | | | | | | Ifpack2::Relaxation::apply: 0.00204728 - 94.7359% [22] | | | | | | | | | Remainder: 0.00011376 - 5.26414% | | | | | | | | Belos::MVT::MvDot: 0.0026662 - 9.6499% [42] | | | | | | | | Belos::MVT::MvNorm: 0.00135244 - 4.89494% [22] | | | | | | | | CG Q_B: Operation Op*x: 0.017903 - 64.7971% [20] | | | | | | | | Belos::MVT::MvAddMv: 0.00264028 - 9.55608% [60] | | | | | | | | Remainder: 0.00035752 - 1.29399% | | | | | | | CG S_E: Operation Op*x: 0.00301888 - 0.336749% [1] | | | | | | | CG S_E: PseudoBlockCGSolMgr total solve time: 0.85706 - 95.6032% [1] | | | | | | | | Belos::MVT::Assign: 0.000479999 - 0.0560053% [2] | | | | | | | | CG S_E: Operation Prec*x: 0.0267507 - 3.12122% [310] | | | | | | | | | Ifpack2::Relaxation::apply: 0.0251816 - 94.1343% [310] | | | | | | | | | Remainder: 0.00156912 - 5.86572% | | | | | | | | Belos::MVT::MvDot: 0.0400801 - 4.67647% [619] | | | | | | | | Belos::MVT::MvNorm: 0.0198049 - 2.3108% [310] | | | | | | | | CG S_E: Operation Op*x: 0.725316 - 84.6284% [309] | | | | | | | | Belos::MVT::MvAddMv: 0.0419402 - 4.89349% [927] | | | | | | | | Remainder: 0.00268824 - 0.313658% | | | | | | | Remainder: 0.00643912 - 0.71827% | | | | | | GMRES block system: Operation Op*x: 0.007105 - 0.782708% [1] | | | | | | Belos::MVT::MvTimesMatAddMv: 8.256e-05 - 0.00909506% [1] | | | | | | Remainder: 0.00202668 - 0.223265% | | | | | Remainder: 0.0007306 - 0.0796868% | | | | Mini-EM: Compute responses: 0.0286191 - 2.65899% [1] | | | | | panzer::AssemblyEngine::evaluate_gather(panzer::Traits::Residual): 0.00065396 - 2.28504% [1] | | | | | panzer::AssemblyEngine::evaluate_volume(panzer::Traits::Residual): 0.0240061 - 83.8813% [1] | | | | | | panzer::WorksetContainer::getWorksets(): 3.24e-06 - 0.0134966% [1] | | | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 109: [panzer::Traits::Residual] GatherSolution (BlockedTpetra): B_face (Residual): 0.00049788 - 2.07397% [14] | | | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 135: [panzer::Traits::Residual] DOF: B_face (panzer::Traits::Residual): 0.00610152 - 25.4165% [14] | | | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 162: [panzer::Traits::Residual] Constant: 1/mu: 8.12e-06 - 0.0338247% [14] | | | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 159: [panzer::Traits::Residual] DotProduct: B_SQUARED = B_face . B_face: 0.00097908 - 4.07846% [14] | | | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 108: [panzer::Traits::Residual] GatherSolution (BlockedTpetra): E_edge (Residual): 0.00078216 - 3.25817% [14] | | | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 136: [panzer::Traits::Residual] DOF: E_edge (panzer::Traits::Residual): 0.0113982 - 47.4806% [14] | | | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 151: [panzer::Traits::Residual] Constant: epsilon: 7.84e-06 - 0.0326584% [14] | | | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 158: [panzer::Traits::Residual] DotProduct: E_SQUARED = E_edge . E_edge: 0.00099008 - 4.12428% [14] | | | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 160: [panzer::Traits::Residual] Sum Evaluator: 0.00087276 - 3.63558% [14] | | | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 204: [panzer::Traits::Residual] Integrator_Scalar: EM_ENERGY: 0.000955158 - 3.97881% [14] | | | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 205: [panzer::Traits::Residual] Functional Response Scatter: Electromagnetic Energy: 0.0001198 - 0.49904% [14] | | | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 165: [panzer::Traits::Residual] Constant: 1/dt: 7.16e-06 - 0.0298257% [14] | | | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 161: [panzer::Traits::Residual] Product Evaluator: 0.000612239 - 2.55035% [14] | | | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 208: [panzer::Traits::Residual] Integrator_Scalar: EM_ENERGY/dt^2: 0.00043156 - 1.79771% [14] | | | | | | Phalanx: Evaluator 209: [panzer::Traits::Residual] Functional Response Scatter: Electromagnetic Energy/dt^2: 8.384e-05 - 0.349245% [14] | | | | | | Remainder: 0.00015544 - 0.647502% | | | | | panzer::AssemblyEngine::evaluate_neumannbcs(panzer::Traits::Residual): 1.112e-05 - 0.0388551% [1] | | | | | panzer::AssemblyEngine::evaluate_interfacebcs(panzer::Traits::Residual): 1.64e-06 - 0.00573043% [1] | | | | | panzer::AssemblyEngine::evaluate_dirichletbcs(panzer::Traits::Residual): 0.00348188 - 12.1663% [1] | | | | | panzer::AssemblyEngine::evaluate_scatter(panzer::Traits::Residual): 0.000260919 - 0.911694% [1] | | | | | | panzer::AssemblyEngine::lof->ghostToGlobalContainer(panzer::Traits::Residual): 1e-06 - 0.383261% [1] | | | | | | panzer::AssemblyEngine::gedc.ghostToGlobal(panzer::Traits::Residual): 0.000240839 - 92.3041% [1] | | | | | | Remainder: 1.908e-05 - 7.31261% | | | | | Remainder: 0.00020352 - 0.711132% | | | | Remainder: 0.00031468 - 0.0292368% | | | Remainder: 2.56e-06 - 0.000237848% | | Remainder: 0.0650264 - 0.756245% | Remainder: 6.408e-05 - 0.000745233% ================================= FOM Calculation ================================= Number of cells = 27000 Time for Belos Linear Solve = 0.916839 seconds Number of Time Steps (one linear solve per step) = 1 FOM ( num_cells * num_steps / solver_time / 1000) = 29.449 k-cell-steps per second ================================= Performance counter stats for 'apptainer run --bind ../ampere_scratch:/mnt trilinos.sif bash -c cd /mnt/Trilinos-trilinos-release-16-0-0/BUILD/packages/panzer/mini-em/example/BlockPrec/ && ./PanzerMiniEM_BlockPrec.exe --stacked-timer --solver=CG --linAlgebra=Tpetra --inputFile=maxwell30.xml': 235,272 BR_MIS_PRED_RETIRED:u # 0.0 per branch branch_misprediction_ratio (66.84%) 12,951,705 BR_RETIRED:u (66.84%) 27,806,284 L1-dcache-loads:u (96.53%) 372,716 L1-dcache-load-misses:u # 1.34% of all L1-dcache accesses (99.87%) LLC-loads:u LLC-load-misses:u 26,303,452 L1-icache-loads:u 231,631 L1-icache-load-misses:u # 0.88% of all L1-icache accesses 38,315,364 dTLB-loads:u (39.96%) 56,706 dTLB-load-misses:u # 0.15% of all dTLB cache accesses (61.41%) 11,157,716 iTLB-loads:u (5.91%) 0 iTLB-load-misses:u (0.23%) 9.274642156 seconds time elapsed 8.657688000 seconds user 0.599173000 seconds sys Performance counter stats for 'apptainer run --bind ../ampere_scratch:/mnt trilinos.sif bash -c cd /mnt/Trilinos-trilinos-release-16-0-0/BUILD/packages/panzer/mini-em/example/BlockPrec/ && ./PanzerMiniEM_BlockPrec.exe --stacked-timer --solver=CG --linAlgebra=Tpetra --inputFile=maxwell30.xml': 22,598,693 L1I_TLB:u # 0.0 per TLB access itlb_walk_ratio 4,835 ITLB_WALK:u 12,013 DTLB_WALK:u # 0.0 per TLB access dtlb_walk_ratio 30,353,632 L1D_TLB:u 9.366136012 seconds time elapsed 8.844432000 seconds user 0.551214000 seconds sys Performance counter stats for 'apptainer run --bind ../ampere_scratch:/mnt trilinos.sif bash -c cd /mnt/Trilinos-trilinos-release-16-0-0/BUILD/packages/panzer/mini-em/example/BlockPrec/ && ./PanzerMiniEM_BlockPrec.exe --stacked-timer --solver=CG --linAlgebra=Tpetra --inputFile=maxwell30.xml': 26,624,415 L1I_CACHE:u # 0.0 per cache access l1i_cache_miss_ratio 234,277 L1I_CACHE_REFILL:u 378,018 L1D_CACHE_REFILL:u # 0.0 per cache access l1d_cache_miss_ratio 27,680,142 L1D_CACHE:u 9.168083230 seconds time elapsed 8.535216000 seconds user 0.668252000 seconds sys Performance counter stats for 'apptainer run --bind ../ampere_scratch:/mnt trilinos.sif bash -c cd /mnt/Trilinos-trilinos-release-16-0-0/BUILD/packages/panzer/mini-em/example/BlockPrec/ && ./PanzerMiniEM_BlockPrec.exe --stacked-timer --solver=CG --linAlgebra=Tpetra --inputFile=maxwell30.xml': 462,142 LL_CACHE_MISS_RD:u # 1.0 per cache access ll_cache_read_miss_ratio 482,317 LL_CACHE_RD:u 135,505 L2D_TLB:u # 0.1 per TLB access l2_tlb_miss_ratio 16,778 L2D_TLB_REFILL:u 246,503 L2D_CACHE_REFILL:u # 0.2 per cache access l2_cache_miss_ratio 1,436,338 L2D_CACHE:u 9.205064125 seconds time elapsed 8.538781000 seconds user 0.682666000 seconds sys