#All configuration items related to the core gameplay [gameplay] #Amount of initial citizens. [Default: 4, min: 1, max: 10] #Range: 1 ~ 10 initialcitizenamount = 10 #Should players be able to place an infinite amount of supply camps/ships? [Default: false] allowinfinitesupplychests = false #Should players be allowed to abandon their colony to create a new one easily? Note: This is buggy! [Default: false] allowinfinitecolonies = false #Should colonies in other dimensions be allowed? [Default: true] allowotherdimcolonies = true #Max citizens in one colony. [Default: 250, min: 100, max: 500] #Range: 100 ~ 500 maxcitizenpercolony = 250 #Should development features be enabled (might be buggy)? [Default: false] enableindevelopmentfeatures = false #Should citizen name tags be rendered? [Default: true] alwaysrendernametag = false #Should workers work during the rain? [Default: false] workersalwaysworkinrain = true #Should special holiday content be displayed? [Default: true] holidayfeatures = true #Chance for the Miner to get an ore when mining cobblestone or stone (by default, can be expanded with datapacks to other materials). This is a percentage. (To change which ores the Miner can find, see "List of Lucky Ores".) [Default: 1, min: 0, max: 100] #Range: 0 ~ 100 luckyblockchance = 20 #The minimum level a Town Hall has to be to allow teleportation to allied colonies. [Default: 3, min: 0, max: 5] #Range: 0 ~ 5 minthleveltoteleport = 1 #Food consumption modifier. [Default: 1.000000, min: 0.100000, max: 100.000000] #Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0 foodmodifier = 1.0 #How common diseases are. 1 = Very common, 100 = extremely rare. [Default: 5, min: 1, max: 100] #Range: 1 ~ 100 diseasemodifier = 20 #If part of the colony is loaded by an owner/officer, should the colony be kept loaded? (Set how many chunks are loaded with the "Colony Chunk Loading Strictness" option.) [Default: true] forceloadcolony = true #Set how long chunks stay loaded after player leaves, does not persist through restarts. Default: 10min [Default: 10, min: 1, max: 1440] #Range: 1 ~ 1440 loadtime = 1440 #This controls how many chunks are loaded with the "Chunk Load Colony" option. The higher this value, the fewer chunks will be loaded. (The innermost chunks will be loaded first.) 1 = load all claimed chunks. [Default: 3, min: 1, max: 15] #Range: 1 ~ 15 colonyloadstrictness = 1 #Max log count in one tree for the Forester to check during their tree search. [Default: 400, min: 1, max: 1000] #Range: 1 ~ 1000 maxtreesize = 400 #Disables supply camp placing restrictions, intended for skyworlds and similar [Default: false] nosupplyplacementrestrictions = false #Raiders will spawn in the sky if this is enabled [Default: false] skyraiders = false #All configurations related to the research system [research] #Allows automatic and (near) instant completion of research for players in creative mode. If false, creative players will still be able to begin researches, but will have normal progress rates. [Default: true] researchcreativecompletion = true #Significantly increases the amount of information related to research datapacks that is logged during the world load. [Default: false] researchdebuglog = false #A list of items to charge players when undoing an already-completed research. researchresetcost = ["minecolonies:ancienttome:1"] #All configurations related to the MineColonies commands [commands] #Should players be allowed to use the /mc rtp command? [Default: false] canplayerusertpcommand = false #Should players be allowed to use the /mc colony teleport command? [Default: false] canplayerusecolonytpcommand = true #Can players teleport to allied colonies? [Default: true] canplayeruseallytownhallteleport = true #Should players be allowed to use the /mc home command? Note: Only owners of the colony can use this command. [Default: false] canplayerusehometpcommand = true #Should players be allowed to use the /mc colony info command? [Default: true] canplayeruseshowcolonyinfocommand = true #Should players be allowed to use the /mc citizens kill command? [Default: false] canplayerusekillcitizenscommand = false #Should players be allowed to use the /mc colony addOfficer command? [Default: true] canplayeruseaddofficercommand = true #Should players be allowed to use the /mc colony delete command? [Default: false] canplayerusedeletecolonycommand = false #Should players be allowed to use the /mc colony requestsystem-reset command? [Default: false] canplayeruseresetcommand = true #All configuration related to colony claims [claims] #Maximum claim range for a colony. This is the radius, measured in chunks. [Default: 20, min: 1, max: 250] #Range: 1 ~ 250 maxColonySize = 250 #The minimum distance (in chunks) between colonies. [Default: 8, min: 1, max: 200] #Range: 1 ~ 200 minColonyDistance = 1 #Initial claim size for a colony. This is the radius, measured in chunks. [Default: 4, min: 1, max: 15] #Range: 1 ~ 15 initialColonySize = 4 #Max distance (in blocks) from world spawn for a colony. [Default: 30000, min: 1000, max: 2147483647] #Range: > 1000 maxdistancefromworldspawn = 30000 #Min distance (in blocks) from world spawn for a colony. [Default: 0, min: 0, max: 1000] #Range: 0 ~ 1000 mindistancefromworldspawn = 0 #All configuration items related to the combat elements of MineColonies [combat] #minecolonies.config.dobarbariansspawn.comment [Default: true] dobarbariansspawn = true #minecolonies.config.barbarianhordedifficulty.comment [Default: 5, min: 0, max: 10] #Range: 0 ~ 10 barbarianhordedifficulty = 5 #minecolonies.config.maxbarbariansize.comment [Default: 80, min: 6, max: 400] #Range: 6 ~ 400 maxBarbarianSize = 80 #minecolonies.config.dobarbariansbreakthroughwalls.comment [Default: true] dobarbariansbreakthroughwalls = true #The average number of nights between raids. [Default: 14, min: 1, max: 50] #Range: 1 ~ 50 averagenumberofnightsbetweenraids = 30 #The minimum number of nights between raids. [Default: 10, min: 1, max: 30] #Range: 1 ~ 30 minimumnumberofnightsbetweenraids = 20 #Should mobs attack citizens? [Default: true] mobattackcitizens = true #minecolonies.config.shouldraiderbreakdoors.comment [Default: true] shouldraiderbreakdoors = true #minecolonies.config.guarddamagemultiplier.comment [Default: 1.000000, min: 0.100000, max: 15.000000] #Range: 0.1 ~ 15.0 guardDamageMultiplier = 1.0 #Health multiplier for all Guards. [Default: 1.000000, min: 0.100000, max: 5.000000] #Range: 0.1 ~ 5.0 guardhealthmult = 1.0 #Turn on MineColonies PVP mode (colonies can be destroyed and griefed under certain conditions). [Default: false] pvp_mode = false #All permission configuration options [permissions] #Should colony protection be enabled? [Default: true] enablecolonyprotection = true #Independent from the colony protection, should explosions be turned off inside colonies? DAMAGE_NOTHING prevents explosions completely. DAMAGE_PLAYERS, allows explosions to damage players and hostile mobs, but not blocks or neutral or friendly mobs. DAMAGE_ENTITIES allows damage to all entities. DAMAGE_EVERYTHING allows explosions to damage entities and blocks. #Allowed Values: DAMAGE_NOTHING, DAMAGE_PLAYERS, DAMAGE_ENTITIES, DAMAGE_EVERYTHING turnoffexplosionsincolonies = "DAMAGE_ENTITIES" #Blocks players should be able to interact with in any colony (ex: vending machines) freetointeractblocks = ["dirt", "0 0 0"] #All configuration related to mod compatibility [compatibility] #Items consumed by citizens in the Library. configliststudyitems = ["minecraft:paper;400;100", "minecraft:book;600;10"] #Items requested by Tavern visitors. configlistrecruitmentitems = ["minecraft:hay_block;3", "minecraft:book;2", "minecraft:enchanted_book;9", "minecraft:diamond;9", "minecraft:emerald;8", "minecraft:baked_potato;1", "minecraft:gold_ingot;2", "minecraft:redstone;2", "minecraft:lapis_lazuli;2", "minecraft:cake;11", "minecraft:sunflower;5", "minecraft:honeycomb;6", "minecraft:quartz;3"] #List of ore blocks rarely found magically by Miners (see "Ore Chance"). Includes the block and its chance, separated by exclamation marks. luckyores = ["minecraft:coal_ore!64", "minecraft:copper_ore!48", "minecraft:iron_ore!32", "minecraft:gold_ore!16", "minecraft:redstone_ore!8", "minecraft:lapis_ore!4", "minecraft:diamond_ore!2", "minecraft:emerald_ore!1"] #All diseases citizens can get. The name, how common it is, and all ingredients to cure it. diseases = ["Influenza,100,minecraft:carrot,minecraft:potato", "Measles,10,minecraft:dandelion,minecraft:kelp,minecraft:poppy", "Smallpox,1,minecraft:honey_bottle,minecraft:golden_apple"] #When loading recipes, generate audit CSV files to help debug datapacks or extra mods. [Default: false] auditcraftingtags = false #Enable inventory debugging. [Default: false] debuginventories = false #Turn this on if you're using this world for blueprint building and scanning. [Default: false] blueprintbuildmode = false #All configurations related to pathfinding [pathfinding] #Verbosity of pathfinding debug messages. [Default: 0, min: 0, max: 10] #Range: 0 ~ 10 pathfindingdebugverbosity = 0 #Minimum number of consecutive rails for citizens to use them. [Default: 8, min: 5, max: 100] #Range: 5 ~ 100 minimumrailstopath = 8 #Amount of additional threads to be used for pathfinding. [Default: 2, min: 1, max: 10] #Range: 1 ~ 10 pathfindingmaxthreadcount = 2 #All configurations related to the request system [requestSystem] #Should the request system creatively resolve (if possible) when the player is required to resolve a request? This is a debugging tool and can take a very long time to resolve a request. [Default: false] creativeresolve = false