500 Error"; echo "Bad marker: " . $path; exit(); } $parts = explode("/", $path); if (count($parts) != 4) { header('Location: ../images/blank.png'); cleanupDb(); exit; } $uid = '[' . strtolower($userid) . ']'; $world = $parts[0]; if (isset($worldaccess[$world])) { $ss = stristr($worldaccess[$world], $uid); if ($ss === false) { header('Location: ../images/blank.png'); cleanupDb(); exit; } } $variant = 'STANDARD'; $prefix = $parts[1]; $plen = strlen($prefix); if (($plen > 4) && (substr($prefix, $plen - 4) === "_day")) { $prefix = substr($prefix, 0, $plen - 4); $variant = 'DAY'; } $mapid = $world . "." . $prefix; if (isset($mapaccess[$mapid])) { $ss = stristr($mapaccess[$mapid], $uid); if ($ss === false) { header('Location: ../images/blank.png'); cleanupDb(); exit; } } $fparts = explode("_", $parts[3]); if (count($fparts) == 3) { // zoom_x_y $zoom = strlen($fparts[0]); $x = intval($fparts[1]); $y = intval($fparts[2]); } elseif (count($fparts) == 2) { // x_y $zoom = 0; $x = intval($fparts[0]); $y = intval($fparts[1]); } else { header('Location: ../images/blank.png'); cleanupDb(); exit; } initDbIfNeeded(); $stmt = $db->prepare('SELECT t.NewImage,t.Image,t.Format,t.HashCode,t.LastUpdate FROM ' . $dbprefix . 'Maps m JOIN ' . $dbprefix . 'Tiles t ON m.ID=t.MapID WHERE m.WorldID=? AND m.MapID=? AND m.Variant=? AND t.x=? AND t.y=? and t.zoom=?'); $stmt->bind_param('sssiii', $world, $prefix, $variant, $x, $y, $zoom); $res = $stmt->execute(); $stmt->bind_result($tnewimage, $timage, $format, $thash, $tlast); if ($stmt->fetch()) { if ($format == 0) { header('Content-Type: image/png'); } else if ($format == 2) { header('Content-Type: image/webp'); } else { header('Content-Type: image/jpeg'); } header('ETag: \'' . $thash . '\''); header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', (int) ($tlast / 1000)) . ' GMT'); if (is_null($tnewimage)) { echo $timage; } else { echo $tnewimage; } } else { header('Location: ../images/blank.png'); } $stmt->close(); cleanupDb(); exit;